Action: Post signs in building by February 23, 2024

Human Trafficking is the recruitment, harboring, transporting, or procurement of a person for labor or services for the purpose of involuntary servitude, slavery, or forced commercial sex acts. While human trafficking is a global problem, it is also a Texas Problem. In Texas, January was Human Trafficking Prevention Month; here is the newsletter sent to BISD Staff in January to ensure everyone is aware of the resources as related to Human Trafficking and education on how to spot a student who maybe being trafficked. As part of the awareness, we are required to post information in our schools. In campus mail Principals and other Building Leads will be receiving No Human Trafficking Signage. Please post according to the TEA requirement.

As stated in TAC 61.1053(b) Each school shall post warning signs at conspicuous places reasonably likely to be viewed by all persons entering the premises.

Contact Donna Willett with questions.


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