Good Things & Affirmations

In honor of you Jacklyn!

  • Maria Elena! Robin popped her head in yesterday and bragged galore about your classroom management procedures. She was blown away and wanted nothing more than to share all the good things she saw. Sara, Laura and I were meeting at the time, and we just took a moment to praise your name! Thank you for setting the bar high and already getting to work on mastering your goals. Proud of you!
  • Daniel & Maria R.! You guys were another highlight from this past week. Y’all are knocking lunch duty out of the park, and goodness gracious, it has been seen! Thank you for working as a team, stopping when you know it’s time to push the brakes, and empowering all students to follow suit.
  • Kayla & Meghan! I can’t even imagine how the email below made you both feel. What I do know is that I got goosebumps just reading it, because I also emailed my son’s teachers from last year this week praising their names for the exact same thing. As a mom, seeing this kind of growth truly welcomes tears of all sizes, and we know it goes back to the classroom. With that being said, thank you for being Abby’s cheerleaders and leading her to shining the absolute best version of herself. #herostatus
  • Kolbi! You are AWESOME! Thank you for taking the initiative and asking where else you can serve. I appreciate you taking ownership of the red cone, as well as, serving in the cafeteria daily. You have a heart for helping in any and every capacity, and are beyond appreciated. Thank you!
  • Ashley, Tabetha, Barbi, Yvonne, Sara, Kolbi, Robin, Jacklyn and Laura! Aka, Johnson’s Cheerleading Team! Goodness gracious, I love what you all have created! Every single day has started with a smile, because there’s nothing greater than seeing our Jaguars walk in the front doors to their very own cheer squad. Thank you all for being present in the front foyer and hallway to welcome everyone to another AWESOME day at Johnson. What you may not know is that not only are you pumping up our students, but you’re also getting all of us hyped as well. KEEP. IT. UP! Morgan we may just need to keep your pom poms up front. 😉

Capturing Kids’ Hearts

I know not everyone has had the wonderful opportunity to attend a CKH Training, but do not worry! We are going to continue embracing the heart of who we are as a school family one step at a time. With that being said, we will be traveling through and learning/relearning the EXCEL Model. We will be celebrating this weekly in the Thomman Times, as well as, at each month’s faculty meeting.

So, first up…ENGAGE!

How do we engage? By meeting and greeting our students at the door. I have to be honest, seeing teachers lined up down the hallway truly is the neatest thing to see. If I feel like this just by witnessing it, I can’t even begin to imagine how each student feels. Thank you for treasuring this time and always putting your students first.


Lunch Duty

The schedule below will be followed on a daily basis. Please be flexible as many names listed can be called out for any reason, at any moment.

On Encore days, all teachers will have lunch duty off.

Thank you for continuing to have your hands in as we keep making the absolute best decisions for all of our Jaguars.

**Skyla will not be able to be called for support (unless it’s an absolute emergency) between 10:30 – 12:00 so we can support consistency in the cafeteria.**

**Please only send students to the nurse between 10:30 – 12:00 if it’s an emergency. Again, this is in an effort to support consistency in the cafeteria.**

**Gabriela can be called for support for our BEST students during 10:30 – 12:00.**

Student Dress Code

It’s hot. Goodness gracious, it’s hot. With that being said, it’s easy for parents in the morning to put their child/children in anything that helps keep them a little cooler. However, on the school front, we have to stay faithful and consistent in enforcing the dress code. If you ever feel a student needs a wardrobe change, please send him or her to the front. This should always happen at the very beginning of the day. Thank you!

(Huge shoutout to Mr. Silva for already being on top of it! You’re awesome Sam!!)

AlphaBEST Change

Beginning Monday, AlphaBEST will be moving back to the cafeteria. I just wrapped up a fabulous meeting with our site manager, Laura and Elizabeth, and together, we discussed it all! The good, the bad and the ugly.

So here is key information that you need to know:

  1. At 3:10 (on the dot), I will call for AlphaBEST to report to the cafeteria. (This will eliminate students waiting outside the gym doors.)
  2. AlphaBEST will use the bathrooms by the gym at all times. Students will be escorted and the expectation will be what it is during school hours – level 0, eyes forward, hands to self.
  3. Behavior management will be top priority and we will not see our AlphaBEST students running around, leaving messes behind, etc.

The Week Ahead

Monday, August 21st

  • Encore: 3rd Grade

Topic: T-TESS Goals & SLO

Tuesday, August 22nd

  • Encore: 4th Grade

Topic: T-TESS Goals & SLO

Wednesday, August 23rd

  • Dismissal @ 11:35 AM
  • Faculty Meeting @ 1:00 – 3:30 PM (Please bring a charged computer & something to write with!)

Topic: T-TESS Goals & SLO

Thursday, August 24th

  • **CHANGE** – PLCs during Conference
  • Encore: Kindergarten

Topic: T-TESS Goals & SLO

Friday, August 25th

  • Encore: 1st Grade

Topic: T-TESS Goals & SLO

In District News

Collaborative Dates!



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