What do you want?

Howdy, all!


–> Read to the end for free resources! <–


I was given the amazing opportunity to attend the TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association) conference in San Antonio last week and wanted to share a little bit about what I got to see and do while I was there. Additionally, you’ll find an attachment at the bottom of this post with a *TON* of resources from the conference. It is my goal to develop a PD opportunity or PLC based on what I received at this conference but I want to make sure what I offer is relevant (and wanted) by most of you. So, read on and give me your feedback at the link below!


This conference was overwhelming!


There were just so many things to see and do and I did not get to experience nearly everything that was offered. I divided my time pretty evenly into three categories: leading PD, instructional technology, and the rest of the time I spent in the exhibit hall.


So, what can I offer you?


The group of us (there were about 9 people from the district who attended) completed a Google Sheet where we recorded every session we attended. This Sheet has links to resources, presentations, and contact information for presenters. I want to put a few PD trainings (or PLCs) together before the end of the year and I would love to hear your feedback — what would be most useful to you? Feel free to peruse the Sheet (linked below) and copy any resources you’d like. If there’s something you’d like more information on, just shoot me an email.


Thank y’all!


Click Here to Check Out Resources