Final Step of Textbook Selection

Informational Item:

The last steps in the textbook selection process for K-8 ELA/SLA, Algebra I, and Personal Financial Literacy are formal presentations from vendors and casting final votes. These presentations will take place on January 17 from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Bryan High Blue Campus. Committee members and teachers must be present and attend all vendor presentations in order to cast a vote.  Anyone who does not attend will not be able to vote. A light dinner will be provided for all committee members and teachers who attend. We would like to extend an invitation to any principals who would like to attend.  Below is the schedule for January 17.


5:00-5:10 Pick up food in Blue Commons

5:15-5:40 Vendor Presentation #1

5:45-6:10 Vendor Presentation #2

6:15-6:40 Vendor Presentation #3

6:40-7:00 K-5 visit handwriting vendors, Q&A, and cast votes

Contact content coordinators with any questions.