Texans Are Going GREEN!

Some very exciting news– Recycling has started up on campus. You may have noticed in the workrooms there are recycling bins with signs up saying to only put paper. 

It is really important that we keep trash separate from recycling so that the recycling can be picked up and brought to the Recycling Center in Bryan!
When the janitors see garbage in with the paper– they have to throw it away to prevent bugs.
In case you are not sure what goes in our recycling bins, this is what we are excepting as of now:
Mixed paper: office paper, paper bags, junk mail & colored paper

Magazines, newspapers and phonebooks
Corrugated cardboard and paperboard

Eventually, we would like to start collecting plastic bottles and cans but we are starting out with just paper to see how it goes.
Next to the teacher mailboxes, there will be an envelope set up where you can pick up your very own ‘Recycle’ sign which you can attach to a cardboard box for your classroom!
Encourage your students to throw scrap paper or old handouts in there for proud points!
We also need seed money in order to get special bins and pick up times from the Recycling Center- so a small $5 donation can be placed in the folder with the signs! Anything would be really appreciated!
Recycling is a chain reaction, and every link in the chain is equally important in ensuring the success of this movement for Davila. 
Please, join us in an effort to ‘green up’ our campus.
P.S. I attached some of the signs you will be seeing around campus (translated in English and Spanish) in case you want to check them out or print extra copies!
Recycle Bin (1).jpg