PBIS Data Dump 10/12/2018


This PBIS Data Dump covers the week of October 3 – October 10. Note: this data does not include scholars who have not earned any points.

Total Points Issued to Date: 110328 points (up from 73486 last week)

Average Points per Scholar: 95 points (up from 66 points last week)

Median Points Balance: 82 points (up from 60 points last week)


Points Issued by PROUD Expectation This Week:



Instances of Points Being Issued This Week:




Coming Next Week!

In the next issue of the Texan Tribune, we will be able to start analyzing data we have collected on actual scholar behavior. The goal of this is to use our positive interaction data (PBIS points and anecdotal data) and our discipline data (referrals, tardies, etc…) to really zone in on our “hot spots” to improve our campus behavior in an effective and empirical manner.

Things that will be analyzed – location and quantity of misbehavior, student population trends, and the effect of positive interactions in public areas on campus.

You can expect this kind of analysis twice per six weeks — one analysis each the week of progress reports and the week of report cards.

Stay tuned!