PBIS Update (Re-Posted)

Action Items

  1. Complete the PBIS Subcommittees Survey (click here)
  2. Set up your classroom PBIS store
  3. Continue issuing points and reinforcing being Texan PROUD

Howdy all!

This is a re-post. As you may have wondered last week, there was no PBIS PLC last week even though it was referenced in this post. The PBIS PLC is taking place today so this is a rehash of the information that was pushed out last week.


Thank you!


Below is a quick description of the action items from above.


Complete the PBIS Subcommittees Survey

The PBIS Committee has completed the formation of the various subcommittees that will keep PBIS running smoothly on our campus. In order to do this, we need your help. All staff need to complete the following form with regard to their subcommittee preferences. Completion of this form does not signal immediate sign up for any committee; however, the form will be used in process of forming subcommittees. Please click here to complete the survey.

Set up your classroom PBIS store

Today, you received / will receive some quick training on setting up your classroom PBIS store during PLC. This is a simple process and we all know that students are dying to see what they can begin using their points to buy.

To help you in setting up your stores for the first time, below are a few example incentives that you may choose to include in your store. These were taken from the survey all scholars completed and the rank of the prize was considered when creating the suggested price. Feel free to price your stores as you wish but we would call these prices the recommended minimum.

Example incentives with suggested prices.

Incentive Suggested Price
Stickers, Colored Markers, other Supplies 30
Change Assigned Seats for a Day 50
Sit at the Teacher’s Desk for a Day (with teacher approval) 50
Show a YouTube Video to your Class (with teacher approval) 65
Listen to Music During Independent Work 80
Drop Your Lowest Grade Pass 100

Continue issuing points and reinforcing being Texan PROUD

Here’s a quick reminder since it’s already been a while (can you believe we’re already a six weeks into school??)!

Texans are PROUD!

P = Positive

R = Responsible

O = Optimized

U = Unified

D = Dedicated

Please remember to verbally state why scholars are earning points — it should follow under one of the descriptors above or under our Essential 8 characteristic of the month. The kids *are* responding to this and this *will* make a meaningful difference if we keep at it.

