Don’t Stop Now…

Routine, Routine, Routine!

Establish a routine and show, demonstrate, and model it for your students. Remember to pace yourself! Don’t expect to teach them all of your routines in one day, but enforce the ones you’ve taught consistently and practice as needed. Go forĀ quality over quantity!

Have You Tried Randomizing Seating Charts

  • English Teachers: instruct the students to pull a picture card of a symbol or a book title/cover out of a jar and they will need to find their matching image to locate their seat
  • Math Teachers: instruct the students to pull a SIMPLE math equation out of a jar and they will need to find the answer to the equation to locate their seat
  • Science Teachers: instruct the students to pull a picture of a lab tool/instrument or a name of a scientist from a jar and they will need to find their matching image or name + picture of their scientist to locate their seat.
  • Social Studies Teachers: instruct the students to pull an iconic historical event that will be covered in the first or second semester from a jar and then find their matching event to locate their seat.