Instruction Know How

Remember we will be looking for the following during walk throughs over the next few weeks.

OBJECTIVES POSTED: I can, I will, Burning question

Must be read by the students at the beginning middle and end of the lesson.

How should objectives be written?

  • I can-is your content objective
  • I will-is your English Learner activity objective (read, write, speak, or listen)



When you are planning you must develop higher level thinking questions and embed them into your implementation plan.

What do we accomplish with an implementation plan- it takes all of the guesswork is taken out of teaching.

  • Did I ask this class yet?
  • What was I supposed to ask them?
  • How do I know I am asking higher level questions on the fly?
  • Are the questions directly aligned to the I can statement?



Choral/Whole group questioning is a good tool, as long you ensure everyone is responding. (thumbs up/thumbs down, stand/sit, show of fingers, etc.)

What is Cold Call?

  • GIVE WAIT TIME (state everyone should be thinking about their response)
  • Randomly select a scholar to answer-(popsicle sticks, desk numbers, app, etc.)


By posing the question, waiting then calling on a scholar – EVERYONE is on the ’hook’ for the answer.

What happens if you pose the question and immediately call on someone?

What happens if you call on someone and then pose the question? Everyone is “off the hook” for thinking

How can you ensure you use the Cold Call Method?