The Power of Positivity

Brandon O’Neal From a Davila Parent:   I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate Coach O’Neal.  He hand wrote my son a note and sent it in the mail!!  This did so much for all of our hearts.  Getting a note like this reminds us that this sports season was all worth it.  I am so thankful Coach O’Neal took the time to affirm our son.  We all know he is not the most athletic on the field, but telling him that he appreciated his attitude and heart sank deep with him. Coaches like this are what keep young men wanting to be better.  Coach O’Neal knocked this out of the park. Thankful, once again, to be at BISD.

J Lander From a Davila Parent:   I wanted to tell you that yesterday’s lesson was a hit! When I got home after work, my child told me all about how mass and gravity work. I could tell that the basketball demo solidified the concept and he could clearly see how the two worked together. When we started talking about the sun, he even pulled out his science notebook to share info about light years and how long it would take a plane to fly around the largest star.   So, great job! Thanks for sharing your passion about science. I can tell that it is catching!

Joe Daigle From a Davila Staff Member:   I just wanted to give a shout out to Mr. Daigle. He came to the clinic to bring a student, that most people find very difficult, his instrument. Mr. Daigle was so kind to the student. They got on the floor and he tuned the student’s guitar. The student really seems comfortable with Mr. Daigle.