Don’t Forget to Differentiate

Remote Learning: Differentiation of Assignments/Accommodations

The following are examples of how accommodations for students could be handled through Remote Learning. The accommodation and how it is being provided could be added to the lesson template section Differentiation for Students.  

Accommodations will need to be documented using the district’s Support Student Service Record. Sped Teachers and Case managers will access these logs and document accommodations and communication. 

AccommodationProvidedNote to Teacher
reading assistanceReading assistance provided through the text to speech accessibility feature found on student’s devices.  General/SPED teachers or case managers will need to contact students to provide directions.
reading assistance Kurzweil Read the Web video
General/SPED teachers or case managers will need to contact students to provide directions.
scaffolding/chunking of materialLesson presentations are designed to provide material in small/short portions. General/SPED teachers will need to ensure lessons and materials are created to support this accommodation. 
clarification of vocabularyLesson presentations and materials are designed to bring attention to key vocabulary. This will be done by highlighting or bolding keywords or concepts.  General/SPED teachers will need to ensure lessons and materials are created to support this accommodation.
extra timeDue dates will include additional time for lessons to be completed.If a student needs more time than provided, they will work with the general/sped teachers to determine the best way to provide additional time.  
copy of completed class notesCompleted class notes will be shared through Schoology email. General/SPED teachers or case managers will prepare a copy of the completed notes and send them to the students using Schoology email. 
small group/checking for understandingStudents will be invited to attend teachers’ weekly tutorials using Google Hangout Meets.General/SPED teachers will communicate weekly tutorial times for students to attend. Case managers will also have weekly contact with caseloads to answer students’ questions. 
preferential seatingParents will be encouraged to have an area for their student(s) to work that is away from distractions. This can also be addressed with the student. General/SPED teachers or case managers will need to contact parents and students to review accommodation needs. 
positive reinforcementPositive reinforcement will be provided during Google Hangout Meets. Emails will also be sent to students and positive comments submitted on Schoology can be added.  Parents can be encouraged to provide positive feedback when working with students. General/SPED teachers or case managers will need to contact parents and students to review accommodation needs. 
supplemental aidsSupplemental aids will be shared through Schoology email.General/SPED teachers or case managers will prepare the necessary supplemental aids and send them to the students using Schoology email.