Importance of ‘Now’

Faculty and Staff,

It is that time of year again where scholars are to begin their rotations of  Campus and District Based assessments, benchmarks and then finally the STAAR test.  

Please take this time to ensure that all scholars understand that all STAAR tests are important.  Each test plays a pivotal role in the campus accountability rating at the end of the year …Not just reading and math! 

By stressing the importance of scholars taking assessments seriously now it is our goal is for them to begin to working harder and start to close gaps early.  As teachers, we should be expressing the urgency of learning in class daily! If we can help scholars make the transition to learning ‘now’ it will be less stressful for everyone before state-mandated tests are administered

Elective teachers, we didn’t forget about you!  Y’all play a pivotal role in assisting our scholars and your colleagues.  Your courses assist in ensuring standards/expectations are held for the campus (Reading & Vocabulary Initiatives) and provide many scholars the ‘hook’ or reason they enjoy school!

Thanks for a wonderful start to the year and all the preparations you make to ensure that our scholars are getting what they need and reaching expectations!

Here for you,

DMS Instructional Coaching Team