Chance to Win $50 Gift Card!


Calling all funny employees! You’re invited to submit one funny photo of yourself in your school/campus/office/athletic field to by 12 p.m. March 21 with “FUNNY PHOTO” in the subject line. You’re welcome to include other employees in the photo, but there is ONE ENTRY/PERSON so decide among yourselves who the primary subject of the photo is. If you’re sending a group photo or your face is obscured, please describe which one you are. Duplicate photos entered by multiple employees will be excluded from consideration.

Also, if students are used in your photo, please ensure that they are “photo-safe”(your school’s front office can provide that information). And, please do not disturb other classrooms in taking your photo. Finally, please ensure your photo submission is appropriate and safe for work.

Other than that, be creative, use props (mascot heads, funny outfits, etc.) and have fun!

The winner will be announced in next month’s edition of Inside Bryan ISD and will be rewarded with a $50 gift card.

P.S. If you’re using a phone to email us the photo, please send it using the high-quality setting.