Online Presence – EdTech

Howdy, all!


As promised, I would like to provide some opportunities for professional growth for anyone interested. Instead of concentrating on things we could add to our instruction, I thought it better to start out by showcasing what we already do well — I want everyone to know what being #TexanPROUD really means.


There’s two ways I currently do that in my classroom: through social media and with Google Sites.


Rather than inundate you with a ton of facts and steps, check mine out and see what interests you. I’ve included three links at the bottom of this post; one link takes you to my Twitter profile, one takes you to my Google Site, and the third takes you to a Google Form. Explore what I have done and then use the Google Form to let me know what you would like to know more about.


This is a great opportunity to learn how to better utilize social media and an online portfolio to showcase the great things you are already doing — especially just before Digital Learning Day on February 28th!


J Lander’s Twitter Stream

J Lander’s Google Site

Google Form Interest Survey  <<<<<<<<<<——– Please complete this!


Thank you!