Bond May 4, 2019

From the District’s Communication Director –
I’m writing to let you know that our Board of Trustees called a $12 million bond election for May 4, 2019.  This will allow us to fix some immediate needs without raising the tax rate.  I’ve attached the sheet that outlines what will take place if this bond passes.  Additionally, over the next couple of months Dr. Whitbeck and members of her cabinet will be visiting all campuses and departments to discuss this bond and answer any questions.
If passed, this is the first of two proposed bonds.  Dr. Whitbeck will ask the board to call a second bond election in May 2020.  This will be a much larger bond, and what is included in that bond will be determined by you, our students, parents and the community.
There will be a Bond Oversight Committee that will oversee both bonds.  Dr. Whitbeck has always carried out bonds with full transparency, and that is her plan in Bryan ISD.  All information about the bond will be posted on our website, including construction updates and information about any changes to the original proposal if any do take place.
Also, since the bond has been called, there are laws about what district staff can and can’t say.  For all of our protection (mine included) I’m attaching a sheet that outlines this.  Please take a look.
When we have all of the election details confirmed, I’ll send them to everyone, but in the meantime if you live in Bryan ISD,  the election will take place on Saturday, May 4, with early voting running from April 22 through April 30.  Of course, how you choose to vote is your decision, but we strongly encourage all district staff who live in Bryan ISD to please cast a vote.
Thank you for all you do!