What?! We are Testing AGAIN?


  • Fall Benchmarks
  • Spring Benchmarks-Reading 7/8, Writing 7

STILL TO COMPLETE–Spring Benchmarks

  • March 25: Algebra
  • March 31: Science 8 and Biology
  • April 19: Math 7 and 8
  • April 20: Social Studies 8


Writing samples are still being collected. If you still need to get samples please continue to do so. Ms. Gonzalez is contacting our “At Home Learners” to collect samples. Once the samples are complete we will notify the raters to rate.

TELPAS Online Testing is underway. We will continue testing this week and hopefully be almost complete prior to Spring Break. Following Spring Break we will be cleaning up students we missed.

STAAR Alternate

  • March 15-26: preview window
  • March 29: STAAR Alternate testing begins

Technology Tip

There is a Chrome extension called “Paint for Web” that is a great substitution for the lack of the Eduphoria platform having the pencil tool. It is being pushed out to all student computers.  All students can use this tool on Eduphoria tests.  You can download it from here.