COVID Safety Measures

Dear Bryan ISD Employees,

After careful review of the governor’s executive order, and new guidance issued by the Texas Education Agency, it is our plan to keep all COVID-19 safety measures in place in Bryan ISD, including wearing masks inside all Bryan ISD buildings.  

I appreciate all of the feedback we received following the governor’s announcement.  Ultimately, we know that the safety measures inside our schools work.  All that you have done has allowed us to, for the most part, keep you and our students on-campus since we started school on August 20, and I believe will allow us to keep our doors open for the next 55 days until the school year is over. 

As you know, educators have only recently been added to the vaccine eligible list which, for those who choose the vaccine, will be another measure of protection.  We must continue to put student and staff safety first. Therefore, we will err on the side of caution, and maintain the safety practices in place so we can finish this school year safely, together. 

Thank you for your understanding.

Dr. Christie Whitbeck

Bryan ISD Superintendent