….Before You Go

Action Item: Before you leave for Spring Break… (Remember last year…we didn’t return to school!). The following must be completed/taken home:


  • Must be neat and organized
  • The only thing touching the floor should be furniture
  • Close window blinds/shades
  • Turn off classroom lights and unplug if applicable, lamps, string lights
  • Turn off Projector or TruTouch System
  • Turn off and unplug all additional classroom technology (including charging cords)
  • All food (snacks, candy, drinks, etc) and the used cup collection some of you may have in your classroom or office. Suggestion: Start this early so you do not have to to carry it all home at once!


  • Plants, animals, or food/condiments of any kind from the classroom or staff lounge refrigerator or cabinets (even if it is packaged)
  • All food, condiments, drinks, etc will be thrown away
  • Individually assigned BISD Computer (remember last year we didn’t come back and our virtual teaching career began)
  • Anything you think you may need to work from home in the event of some unidentified (COVID, SNOWVID, etc) results in school closure.