Annual Mandate Trainings

Information: As of October 8, 2020, ALL Annual Mandate Credits have been transferred into Eduphoria for this week. If you reach out to someone because they still need to finish some of the trainings by the deadline next week and they say, “I have finished all of mine”! Yet they don’t have credit in Eduphoria then it could mean:

  1. They completed all their trainings in Safe Schools and thought they were done.
  2. They completed the assessment/acknowledgement in Schoology for a folder and they received a “failing grade”. If they do not pass the assessment or choose NO for an Acknowledgement then I do not grant credit in Eduphoria. They can go back and redo the assessment/acknowledgement to get a “passing grade” to receive credit.

Tip for STRIVE Credit Report: When pulling a staff credit report in Strive, Choose July 1, 2020 as the start date because the Annual Mandate Courses in Strive began in July and HR Required Staff Development as the category for the report If you choose an August start date then the Report will be empty.

I am ALWAYS available to help!! If you need me to help with this in any way please reach out to me. 209-1034, 254-625-1030.