Staying Alert…

As part of the District safety and security audit, the final phase will be the intruder assessment.  Sometime during the month of October, the assessment will take place for all facilities with an individual(s) trying to access your building without authorization or by coming through an unsecured door. 

Items to watch for

  1. Exterior doors are pulled shut
  2. All visitors must enter through the front entrance. Do not open exterior doors for visitors
  3. All people inside the building must be wearing an ID (scholars and Adults). If you see a scholar without an ID send him/her to the front office.
  4. All visitors must enter through the front entrance. Do not open exterior doors for visitors
  5. All people inside the building must be wearing an ID (scholars and Adults). If you see a scholar without an ID send him/her to the front office. If you see an adult without an ID, escort him/her to the front office.
  6. Report suspicious behavior immediately to an administrator.

Staying Alert Keeps Everyone Safe!