Annual Mandated Trainings

Annual Mandate Trainings (formerly known as HR Required Courses) will be offered through Schoology this year and credit will be tracked in Eduphoria.  You do not need to do anything in Eduphoria.  That will be completed by the PD department.  

You have an additional two weeks to complete these courses this year.  The due date for completion is Monday, October 12, 2020.  These courses need to be done outside of the work  day because all employees will earn their January 4th Time Equivalency Day off by completing these courses.  

Training videos below for your reference: Click on the links below to access the training videos.  

LINK:How to Log In to Schoology

LINK: How to Get Into the Course

Every folder in the Annual Mandate Course contains an Acknowledgement or Assessment that you MUST be completed to get credit for the content in that folder!!!  You will not get credit for completing the content in a folder without completing the Acknowledgement or Assessment included in the folder!!!

Schoology Access Code  for your school/ department isWD6S-V8RJ-6G2G7.

If you have any questions or need any assistance with Schoology or with these trainings please contact Kristina Brunson – Asst. Dir. of PD  
If you have questions or need assistance with Safe Schools contact Tracee McClendon