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Texans, Dr. Whitbeck sent the following information to all parents today regarding COVID-19. Please discuss with your students the importance of washing their hands regularly with soap and water, avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth, and cover their mouth and nose with a tissue, their sleeve, or their elbow anytime they cough or sneeze and to not share food while at lunch.

Dear Bryan ISD Parents/Guardians,

I know there has been a lot of attention on social media and in the news media recently about COVID-19, a type of coronavirus, which I’m sure is leading to many questions from your child.  I want to make sure you have the most accurate information so you can answer those questions properly.

COVID-19 is not a threat in our area right now.  However, it is important for you to know that Bryan ISD is in contact with the Brazos County Health District, and we take direction from them about the health and safety of our community.  We also participated in a conference call with the Texas Department of State Health Services that was specifically for school districts.  They said the best precautions for COVID-19 are the same as any other airborne illness, such as Influenza.  Please encourage your children to wash their hands regularly with soap and water, avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth, and cover their mouth and nose with a tissue, their sleeve, or their elbow anytime they cough or sneeze and to not share food while at lunch. While these suggestions seem simple, they are the best protection against airborne illnesses.

Bryan ISD also takes many precautions this time of year to prevent the spread of illness.  Our campuses and facilities are cleaned daily by our custodians and additional disinfecting can occur in any classroom where sickness of any kind is more prevalent.  We also use disinfectant on our school buses weekly and our special education buses nightly. But, prevention actually begins at home. If your child is feeling sick, please do not send them to school. (Middle School and High School students seeking final exam exemptions, see FAQ.)

Finally, while there’s so much attention about COVID-19, please speak with your child about staying calm and not panicking.  Despite what is going around social media right now, they do not need to be scared. There are many level-headed smart adults (mainly you) that will help us through the challenge if need be. The Health Department is the authority in our area on this and any other illness, and should we receive any information from them, we will pass it along to you immediately. We genuinely care about our children and staff and will continue to put safety, including health safety, first.

I hope you have a safe and enjoyable Spring Break, and if you are traveling, keep these general health precautions in mind.


Dr. Christie Whitbeck

Bryan ISD Superintendent

For more information about COVID-19 and precautions, please click on this link to be taken to the Texas Department of State Health Services:https://www.dshs.state.tx.us/coronavirus/
For more information please read the Bryan ISD Health Safety FAQ.