What’s Next…?

Since you have started to collect writing samples you are now asking…”What’s next?”.

Well, you will need to file the student samples. The file will be ready to accept your samples on Thursday. The file will be located in my office or right outside the door if needed. Please find the student’s folder and file the writing sample be sure you replace the folder in alphabetical order. Have you checked to make sure every paper has the student’s first and last name? Student ID? Teacher name? Content area?

Here is the LEP student list that is the most up-to-date list of present and anticipated LEP students. Please note there are 3 tabs at the bottom tabs and so you will need to check your grade level(s) and the TBA list as well. 

Remember the deadline for filing your samples is no later than Friday, February 21, 2020, at 4:00 PM.