What Time Is It?

Author: Angela Behrens, Human Resources Coordinator

If you must be out, please enter your absence no later than 6 a.m.  Last week we had 63 people enter an absence after 6 a.m. and these late entries are rarely filled with a sub. The earlier an absence is entered, the more likely a sub will be secured. 

If you or your child is not feeling well the night before,  please enter your absence in Frontline then. Our ESS rep told me today the optimal time lately to secure a sub is around 8 p.m. 

If you are well enough to work the next day, we can always use your sub somewhere else in the district. As a reminder, here is how to enter an absence in Frontline:

Go to your Classlink account at  https://launchpad.classlink.com  or  go.bryanisd.org  and log in utilizing your district credentials. Once in, you will click on the Frontline app and be automatically logged in.
