Did you get a Branching Minds Survey?

What do I do now?

If you received an email during the last two weeks telling you to complete an online survey, please do so immediately as the deadline was November 8. All Reading, Math, Read 180 and NAC teachers will be meeting during the next 10 days to set student goals and list interventions you are presently using. We will also discuss any supports you might want for testing. This is the next step in the Branching Minds documentation for students at-risk. 

Sign up for the Meeting

The following features have been released on the Branching Minds platform:

  •  ability to search a student by ID or name
  • ability to log a family communication on an exact date instead of the week
  •  more visually condensed intervention plans and reports
  •  intercom chat is now on the left-hand side toolbar

Science and Social Studies teachers will be meeting following the Thanksgiving holiday, so be ready. 

Questions? Please ask – Mrs. Hoeepfner