ACTION ITEM – Employee Pictures

November 15, 2019Jennifer Lemons

Non-Campus based employees will have their picture taken on November 18th by Photo Texas. Examples of non-campus based staff include, employees at the administration building, technology, transportation, maintenance, special education, and any other staff member that is not housed at a campus and did not have their picture taken already this school year by Photo Texas.

Please ask all of your non-campus based staff to make arrangements to have their picture taken on 11-18-19 at one of the times/locations listed below.

11/18/198:30-11:30Room 1166 – Bryan ISD Administration Building
11/18/191:00-4:00Break room at Auxiliary Service Center

Background Information: All employee pictures will be placed into the Human Resources software. November 18, 2019 is the picture day for non-campus based staff.