GT Training Modules

Action: The Fall 30 Hour GT Certification Training Modules opened in Eduphoria on Monday, August 19th. There are 5 online modules to complete for teachers to get their Initial 30 hours for the GT certification. Several teachers are taking advantage of this opportunity. If you have teachers serving GT students who have not previously taken the 30 hours, they will need to have the 5 modules successfully completed by the end of the fall semester. There is also a 6 hour update course linked below for anyone who needs to complete their 6 hour update to keep their certification current. I have also added the 6 hour update for administrators and counselors below in case anyone needs to get that done as well. Enrollment in the courses will close at 5pm on November 18th to allow time to complete the courses by 5pm on December 2nd. Below are the links to the 6 courses in Eduphoria. Please share this information with staff in need of their 30 Hour GT Certification or 6 hour update:

Fall Module 1: Nature and Needs of Gifted Students 2019-2020 Initial 30 hours GT Training . .

Fall Module 2: Identification and Assessment of Gifted Students 2019-2020 Initial 30 hours GT training .

Fall Module 3: Models of Differentiation 2019-2020 Initial 30 hour GT training

Fall Module 4: Depth and Complexity 2019-2020 Initial 30 hour GT training

Fall Module 5: Creativity and Critical Thinking 2019-2020 Initial 30 Hour GT Training

2019-2010 6 Hour GT Update

2019-2020 Counselor and Administration GT 6 Hour UPdate