RtI Reminder and Designated Supports

REMINDER: It’s the end of the six weeks, and many of your students’ RtI goals and interventions assigned will be expiring on September 30. As discussed in the support meeting, plan to have teachers Select the Goal Outcome for these students in Branching Minds after the “achieve by” date. If a student has not met the goal but is making progress, create a new goal (it can be the same) for the second six weeks, update the intervention, and continue to monitor progress. If a student is not making progress, the RtI Committee will want to meet on that student for further decision-making. Based on teacher responses when selecting the goal outcome, the RtI Coordinator will be provided a list of students who did not make progress on or before October 10. RtI Timeline

NEW: Testing accommodations assigned by the RtI Committee will no longer be housed on a separate form in Aware. Instead, Designated Supports have been created in Branching Minds and may be assigned as an accommodation in each topic area. This information will be exported from Branching Minds to Test Hound. For more information, access the RtI Accommodations and Designated Supports information page.

If you have any questions or would like further campus support for RtI, please do not hesitate to contact Kristen Beesaw.