How can I Support My EL Scholars in Testing?

Can you believe that we are already beginning to think about testing accommodations for Fall Benchmarks? We will be planning our annual “draft” meeting to select testing groups in early October.

The district has decided that we will re-look at all EL student accommodations. What does that mean? It means all accommodations have been removed from TestHound for all EL students. 

Our goal is to begin fresh for all EL students. Many times, we tend to just go with what scholars received the previous year such as online/paper. Our goal for this fall should be to try what you think is best for each scholar. If you are stumped see Mrs. Hoepfner as she has a copy of what they did receive last year.

I will let you know that El students are no longer qualified to receive a supplemental aid unless they are Special Education, 504, or RtI according to TEA for testing. 

Here is what EL Students can receive: Either paper or online

Paper/Online: Extra time

Online: Content and Language Supports (This designated support allows for various types of assistance (e.g., scaffolded directions, assistance with tracking, graphic organizers, simplified language, graphic representations of vocabulary and concepts) to support a student’s understanding of selections, test questions, and answer choices.)

Paper: This designated support allows test material to be read aloud. All references to reading support during an oral administration. 

Online: an online oral/signed administration is administered via text-to-speech. 

Any EL scholar who receives any designated supports will not be able to exit EL status, no matter what they score on TELPAS.