Do you know an outstanding teacher in your school or community? Nominate a deserving Texas educator for a 2020 Humanities Texas Outstanding Teaching Award!

Humanities Texas presents annual awards to recognize and encourage excellence in teaching in Texas schools. In 2020, Humanities Texas will present a total of fifteen awards to exceptional K-12 Texas humanities teachers in three different categories:

·         Twelve humanities teachers will be selected to receive the Outstanding Teaching of the Humanities Award.

·         Two humanities teachers will be selected for the Award for Outstanding Early-Career Teaching, which recognizes exemplary contributions of humanities teachers in Texas elementary, middle, and high schools who have completed three or fewer years of teaching.

·         One Texas history teacher will be selected to receive the Linden Heck Howell Outstanding Teaching of Texas History Award.

Humanities Texas will select one of the fifteen recipients who demonstrates exceptional leadership in the educational field to receive the Julius Glickman Educational Leadership Award. The award honors Humanities Texas board member Julius Glickman for his extraordinary leadership of our organization and many others. 

All award winners will receive a $5,000 prize, with an additional $500 for their schools to purchase humanities-based instructional materials.


To nominate a teacher for a 2020 Humanities Texas Outstanding Teaching Award, please complete the online nomination form by Friday, December 13, 2019. Boththe nomination form and instructions can be found on the Humanities Texas website: http://www.humanitiestexas.org/education/teacher-awards/nomination.

Following your nomination, Humanities Texas will contact each nominated teacher with instructions on how to apply for the award. Applications will be due Friday, February 7, 2020, and winners will be announced in May of 2020.


Contact Humanities Texas at ota@humanitiestexas.org or 512.440.1991.