Guest Teacher Binder

Guest Teacher Binder

Binder must be in the same place when a Guest Teacher comes, on your desk would be wonderful. If you are absent you must notify your buddy teacher to put your binder and materials on your desk if you did not do so prior to the end of the previous day. I also attached a sample you could use or ask a friend what works for them. 

Minimum considerations for your binder:

1.     Daily Schedule, when is lunch time

2.     Map with exit route for emergency marked on it

3.     What are your classroom policies:   Restroom procedures, How students move in the classroom (pencil sharpening, turning in work, etc), Location for finished work, Seating Charts (accurate), Procedure for any student to leave the classroom. Example restroom or nurse

4.     What is allowed once students finish their work prior to the bell? Activities that can be completed after work is finished, Extra work if all work completed

5.     No technology use when the teacher is not there. Guest Teachers do no have access to technology

6.     When to take roll and who it goes to each period (send to the office)

7.     Lunch time procedures

8.     End of day procedures

9.     Detailed lesson plans for the day

10.  List of students who are responsible and can be called on if you have a question

11.  Any students who have special needs (medication, diabetic)

12.  Buddy Room Teacher/name and room number

Consider putting something in your binder for Guest Teacher Feedback. This would allow our subs the opportunity to tell you if there were struggles.