Centralized Registration

The annual centralized registration event is coming!

Date of Event:  July 25, 2019

Time of Event:  8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Location:  Kemp-Carver

Grades Served: Any new student to Bryan ISD (All Grades)

This year’s event will open to any student new to Bryan ISD (all grades). Departments across the district will be on hand to help these new families get enrolled and ready for the start of school. Data Services, a host of registrars, nursing, Project Hope, Bilingual, School Nutrition, and Transportation will all have stations to help parents navigate the enrollment process. Community organizations will also be on hand to assist – The Lions Club will be providing eye exams throughout the day, a mobile immunization provider will be on site from 10:00-2:00 for students that need to get current on their shots for the upcoming school year, and The Relator Association will be giving away shoes to PreK students!

Be on the lookout for more advertising and information about the event!