Action Item – Technology End of Year Procedures, 2019

It’s that time of year again to check in and put away technology for summer. Please read carefully. One change from last year is that we are asking that all document cameras be stored in a central location so that they may be inventoried.

  • Leave all non rolling computer and iPad storage in the classrooms where it is assigned, leaving all devices in them.
  • Place rolling COWs in a central location, locked, plugged in, with devices inside them. This is the room that you noted in the 2019-2020 Classroom & Technology Assignment form
  • Small items should be labeled with the room number and stored in a central location. Gallon bags or bins are great options for storage. Small items include
    • Smart Boards: markers, eraser, USB cable, power cord
    • Document Camera: remote, VGA cord, USB cable, camera, power cord
    • Projector: remote, power cord, VGA 25’ cord
    • Newline TVs: VGA cable, USB cable, remote, pen, HDMI possibly included
  • Teachers are responsible for dongles that are assigned to them. Do not collect these items.
  • iSupport:Campus iSupport members need to place iSupport MacBook Airs, Chromebooks, and iPads in the iSupport Cart and place the cart in the same central location with the campus COWs. The clickers and doc camera should be locked and stored in the iSupport members classroom.
  • iSupport: Campus iSupport members need to place iSupport MacBook Airs, Chromebooks, clickers, document cameras, and iPads in the iSupport Cart and place the cart in the same central location with the campus COWs.

If any of the details above conflict with procedures already taking place at your campus, please let me know so that we can collaborate on a solution.