Nomination Link is Open!

Would you like to recognize one of your administrators by nominating him/her for Region VI Principal or Assistant Principal of the Year? (There are two separate categories.) Completed forms can be mailed through Mrs. Garcia. Please use this nomination link!

Information: The Texas Association of Secondary School Principals seeks to recognize exemplary performance among campus level administrators in Texas. The Annual Outstanding Principal/Assistant Principal Awards are presented each summer during the TASSP Summer Workshop held in Austin, Texas. Nominations for the award can be submitted by colleagues, parents, students or self-submitted.

Each of the 20 TASSP regions will screen nominations and solicit additional information as required. Each region may select one outstanding administrator from each of the following categories: high school principal, junior high/middle school principal, high school assistant principal, junior high/middle school assistant principal.

Nominations must be mailed to the following address or scanned and emailed by April 19, 2019:

Region 6
Gwen Elder, Principal
A&M Consolidated High School
1801 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S
College Station, 77840