Spring has Sprung!

Action Item(s):  Must Read

Texan Staff Members,

Spring is here!  With Spring comes many wonderful things Field Day, Soccer, Spring Concerts, BEAUTIFUL Weather, etc,  however, there are also some less than wonderful things that come with Spring. For example, Love Bugs, mosquitos, pollen, state-mandated tests, teacher stress, middle school ‘love’, and teacher fatigue.  At this time of the year, many scholars are also feeling the stress and seeking ways to escape the classroom. When teacher stress and fatigue is high, we must put our focus back on the basics of consistency with both classroom and campus expectations.   

Reinforcement of Campus Expectations:

  • Buddy Rooms are to be used for individual scholars, not multiple scholars at one time or multiple scholars during one instructional period.  (Buddy Room removals are completed by Ms. Garcia.) The only time an administrator should be called directly to your classroom is if the safety of your scholars is at risk.  
  • Teachers who have an additional teacher, student teacher or methods student should not escort a scholar to a counselor or administrator during instructional time unless the safety of the scholars in the classroom is at risk.
  • Scholars should not be out of your classroom and/or allowed to go to the restroom without their restroom pass in hand or a pass from you to go to a specific location. (Yes, there are always exceptions please use your professional judgment if there is a restroom emergency.) There is a large number of scholars roaming between the 300 and 900 hallways at the end of the day (7th and 8th period). Scholars are using their phones to text and meet in the hallways.
    • If a scholar is found to be outside a classroom without the pass he/she or during the time periods of the 10-minute rule will be escorted back to your class. If a scholar is found to be roaming he/she will be escorted back to class and not permitted to leave class unless there is an emergency.
  • Scholars should not be sent to another teacher, counselor or administration immediately, just because they ask. (Again, if there is an emergency I expect you to use your professional judgment.)  
    • If a scholar requests to see a counselor or administrator and in your professional judgment is not in crisis, please send an email to the staff member who the scholar would like to see.  The staff member will call the scholar to his/her office at a time that works within his/her schedule and interrupts the academic learning in the classroom as little as possible.
    • A scholar should not be permitted to go to another teacher’s class during your instructional time.  Not only do they miss your instruction, but could be interrupting a teacher’s conference, planning or instruction with another class.
    • Scholars are not permitted to enter the teachers’ lounge for any reason.  Teachers are not permitted to buy drinks or snacks from the teacher’s lounge or workroom to scholars.  Not even if they give you money to make the purchase.

We are wrapping up the school year and please know that your administration and counselors are here to support you. As a campus, we cannot ‘let things go’ in the final stretch.  I will be making daily announcements regarding these expectations and others as we close the year.

Please reach out to us (administration/counselors) if you need additional support due to the less than wonderful things that come with Spring.  (Exception…we don’t wash cars due to the onslaught of Love Bugs.)