
Edpuzzle is an awesome technology resource we have available that allows you to upload videos that you have recorded and track scholars’ comprehension. During the video, scholars will be prompted to answer questions you have created (multiple choice or short answer), which reinforces accountability by ensuring scholars are paying attention during the video. You can also enable the “skip prevention feature” which will prevent scholars from skipping to the next questions. After scholars have finished watching the video and submitted the assignment, you are able to view how long it took a specific scholar took to complete the assignment, how many times they watched a specific section, and review their answers (PS multi-choice can be graded automatically!). Pro tip: you can download a spread sheet with the grades scholars earned on a wonderful counselor informed me you can upload the spreadsheet in to TAC.

So how could you use Edpuzzle in your classroom?

  • Reteach specific skills scholars have shown deficits in on assessments
  • Differentiate instruction for areas of weakness
  • Provide instruction during absences
  • Allow scholars to view videos from anywhere (home, the mall, etc) to reinforce those skill areas
  • Work as a team to create a library of videos that scholars can access to help further comprehension of a topic

But, I’ve already been using Edpuzzle…. AWESOME! Davila has recently upgraded to PRO! Which means that you can have ALL THE VIDEOS (aka you aren’t limited to just 20 allowing you to save them for next year)! To upgrade your account, simply follow these directions.

If you’re unfamiliar with Edpuzzle or need to create an account, pleas see these directions.