We are in the middle of TELPAS work at present. You should have completed your TELPAS writing by now and be getting anyone absent finished as well. The window for submission ends this next week on FEBRUARY 28 at 4:00. All samples should be filed in the folders by that time. Please make sure you have double checked the list that was sent this week in an email to all teachers collecting samples. The next step will be verifying each sample and then rating which begins next week. Remember TELPAS is a state test just like STAAR so we need our scholars at their best when writing samples and especially when testing.

Next week we are handling online testing all Els. This will be a two-week process leading up to Spring Break. Please pay attention to emails you receive about where and when students will be testing. We will be testing in two groups each day (AM and PM) with all testing in the library. Thanks in advance for allowing students to test and be out of your class this next week. Once finished we will have tested over 315 students.

Once we get to Spring Break the TELPAS process should almost be complete except for scholar absences! However, we will immediately begin testing for STAAR Alternate and within two weeks our first STAAR testing. Thanks again for all your help for our scholars.

Please affirm these folks for their hard work in preparing to be raters and then rating scholar’s samples: Amanda Pearce, Kasey Brown, Krista DeVries, Brittany Compton, Anna Srubar, Shelby Spencer, Kayla Foster, Leah Polley, Sam Pittman, Marianna Krauter, Roxanne Phillips, Ali Kenney, Storie Lucas, Aaron Compton, Anaiza Manzano, Vesna Bassile, Samantha Pyle, Ashley Loyd, Taylor Lys, Stephanie Klatt, Michelle Derkowski, Matthew Wofford, Marcia Anderson, Hannah Graben, Hillary Keblis, Gisella Sericano, Alex Mathai, Shannen Harrivel, Aaron Newell, Jacob Brown, Kyle Jones, Erika Maldonado, Robyn Bettencourt, Tyler Vintila, Laura Hinojosa, Danielle Carlisle, Daniella Pegoda, Morgan Lund, Kristy Weintraub, Nancy Housley, and last but not least J. Lander.

This is a huge process and could not be completed without their support. Also, I want to affirm each of you for your continued hard work each and every day.