PBIS Scripting

When reinforcing desired scholar behavior or redirecting undesired behavior, it is important to do so in a way that is both appropriate and effective. Also, we must keep in mind that we are working toward implementing our Tier 1 supports with fidelity. The biggest Tier 1 support we are pushing this year is our PBIS points reward system. We must make sure Tier 1 supports are in place before we can move forward with Tiers 2 and 3 next year.

Following are a few scenarios, some of which were covered in Monday’s PD session (link to slides is here), with possible responses. We should be using these examples models for redirecting and reinforcing student behavior. One reinforcing (A) example and one redirecting (B) example has been provided for each Texan PROUD characteristic.

These scenarios do get repetitive. Each follows this framework:

  • Reinforcement
    • “Thank you for being (PROUD) by _____________________ (be specific about what action you are reinforcing and praising).”
  • Redirection
    • “(Name), are you being (PROUD) by ____________________ (be specific about what action you are redirecting). What can you do / I do to help you follow our expectations?”


Scenario #1A: Positive

  • A scholar has shared a good thing or has a good attitude about the day’s lesson
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank your for being POSITIVE today!”

Scenario #1B: Positive

  • A scholar has entered the classroom with a negative attitude
    • You may wish to redirect this scholar by saying, “Are you being POSITIVE today? What is something we can do right now to change our attitude?”


Scenario #2A: Responsible

  • A scholar has completed all of his / her work for the class period in a timely manner
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank your for being RESPONSIBLE by finishing all of your work today! Great job!”

Scenario #2B: Responsible

  • A scholar has been off task by talking to his / her friends instead of completing work
    • You may wish to redirect this scholar by saying, “(Name), are you being RESPONSIBLE right now by talking to your friends instead of working? What should you be doing right now? What can you do about that?”


Scenario #3A: Optimized

  • A scholar is on time to class
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank your for OPTIMIZING our class time today. I appreciate you always being on time!”

Scenario #3B: Optimized

  • A scholar is chronically late to class
    • You may wish to redirect this scholar by saying, “(Name), can we do a better job of OPTIMIZING our class time? I would love to have some more time with you to make sure you understand our classwork.”


Scenario #4A: Unified

  • A scholar has helped another scholar out with his / her homework
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank your for being UNIFIED today! You showed this when I saw you helping out (name). I really appreciate your kindness and unity in that situation.”

Scenario #4B: Unified

  • A scholar is the only one not following expectations in the classroom
    • You may wish to redirect this scholar by saying, “(Name), can you be more UNIFIED with our classroom? We are all following (the expectations, be specific), can I help you join the class?”


Scenario #5A: Dedicated

  • A scholar worked through a problem / question that was particularly difficult but worked to the end, even if he / she did not end up with the correct answer
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank your for being DEDICATED by working through that question. I appreciate your outstanding work ethic!”

Scenario #5B: Dedicated

  • A scholar consistently tries, but fails, to follow classroom expectations
    • You may wish to praise this scholar by saying, “Thank you for your effort but can you be more DEDICATED to our expectations? I need you to try every day.”