The Low Down on Dhalls

 We apologize as an Administration team if it was not made clear at the beginning of the year, but lunch detentions are strictly used for tardies this year.  Please do not assign a scholar a lunch detention or ask for them to come in during lunch.
Detentions should be used as a growth opportunity for students to improve their behavior in your class as well as grow their relationship with you as a teacher.  We often find that those students that earn detentions are those that are the hardest to build relationships with in class.  Use the detention time, whether take home or in person, to bridge that gap and forge the relationship.
Teacher detentions should be held by you, the teacher, before or after school.  You are permitted to issue take home detentions for thirty minute detentions.  There are various types floating around.  Please ask teachers on your team content area for samples.
**Coaches will need to make arrangements to either hold their detention opposite of their practice time or arrange with a partner teacher a time for that student to serve with them.