Two Weeks at a Glance

10/22  Team Up Against Drugs – Jersey Day

Orchestra & wind Ensemble Fall Concert 6:00PM @ DMS

10/23  Life Is A Journey – Tourist Day

Fall Benchmarks (7th Writing & 8th Reading)

10/24  Use Your Super Power to STOP Drug Use – Super Hero Day

10/25   Rally For The Home Team – School Spirit Day

10/26   No Room For Drugs In My Future – College Shirt Day

Fall Pictures (Yearbook) through science science classes (scholars & staff)

Fall Dance 6:00PM – 8:00PM

10/29   7th Gr. Texan FB C Team @ Huntsville

7th Gr. Texan FB TBD

10/30   8th Gr. Texan FB TBD

10/31  Stipend Letter return to Central Office