Benchmarking Starts NOW!




This is it…The road begins on this adventure. We will be testing Writing 7 and Reading 8. Please review the following information prior to Tuesday:

  • Training PPT
  • Oral Training PPT (if you are oral)
  • Online Training PPT (if you are online)
  • Who Am I Testing? (room assignments)
  • Student Master Schedule




If you are not in your classroom for testing please go double check your testing area prior to Tuesday AM and make sure you have dictionaries. Also, I will make sure you have tables and chairs as needed if you are in an area which does not usually have them. We are using every inch of the campus, including closets and Ms. McGehee’s office.


If you are online testing please come see me so I can make sure you understand how to use the online platform for testing.


Remember we treat this opportunity just like the real STAAR and the same rules and guidelines apply for both scholars and adults. NO PHONES or Technology, even in the hallways. If you have a methods students or volunteers please have them come to the testing room after 8:20 announcements. We will place them in the hallways/restrooms as needed.


Now is the time for questions, please email me and/or ask. No question is too small. We must practice like we will test in the spring, so lots of structure and quiet throughout the building. We got this and will get to practice many more times before the real STAAR comes. WE GOT THIS!