Proclamation 2019

Informational Item:


The process of adopting new ELA/SLA & Reading (K-8), Hand Writing (K-5), Spelling (1-6), and Personal Financial Literacy instructional materials is underway. Curriculum coordinators will be asking members of your faculty to serve as campus representatives.

Expectations for textbook committee members:

  • Attend an initial introductory meeting in November where the process will be outlined
  • Take shipment of samples provided by vendors
  • Provide teachers access to textbook samples during the designated time periods
  • Obtain and submit input from campus ELA teachers using a rubric
  • Attend presentations from vendors
  • Submit the campus vote for final selection


Timeline for adoption process:

September – October: Committee member selection

November – December: Introductory meeting with committee

November:  Public viewing of adoption resources

December: Committee member recommendations due

January: Vendor presentations and final votes due

February: Board presentation of final selections