Is Your Classroom Door Locked?

The District and Bryan PD are starting lockdown drills soon. That said, we here at Davila need to be ready not only for the drill, but more importantly, an actual lockdown.
During lockdown drills, here are some things the graders look for: 
-Blinds need to be closed/Exterior Window needs to be covered
-Computer monitors were left on/Technology was in use (*need to be off*)
-Lack of Urgency by staff/students
-Lights in classroom were not turned off
-Main door was not locked
-Staff seen checking hallway/door (door should already be closed AND locked)
-Staff and/or students were visible (students and staff need to be COMPLETELY out of sight)
-View of classroom was obstructed  (do not cover the window on your door)
-Answered the door when approached (don’t do that)
-Staff & students were ready to fight (Do this!)
-Door was barricaded (Do this!)
With school shootings occurring nationwide, I want all of you to be ready. I’ve seen some very good things during lockdown drills the past couple of years. Classrooms barricaded to the point that there was no way anyone could enter, and staff/students were ready to fight. UPDATE:  After speaking with Mrs. McGehee she stated we must practice like we are in the real lockdown.  If you are unable to get your scholars safely outside the building (out of sight) you must barricade.
Just remember a really good barricade buys you time until I get there. Also, a really good barricade will force the intruder to move onto another classroom. Don’t be the classroom that didn’t barricade or you may make it easier for the intruder to enter your classroom. A really good barricade will prevent you and your class from having to engage the intruder should they make it inside of your classroom.
During a real lockdown, I would also like you to consider leaving the school, but ONLY if you think you can do so without the intruder knowing. For example, if you hear shots on the opposite side of the school. BRAC and the fire station are good places to consider going to. In the event of a lockdown, if you leave, call 9-1-1 and let the dispatcher know you are out of the building and they can also direct you on where to bring your students.
Let me know if you have any questions OTHER THAN “When will we be having the drill?” Because I won’t tell you!!!
Officer Ruebush