Don’t be Tardy to the… CLASS!


Our tardies are quickly creeping up!


When you are completing a tardy sweep be sure you ask the scholar’s lunch as well.  We do have about twenty-five eighth grade students that have what we call B/C lunch.  If they tell you B/C lunch, please put that on the slip.  As a tardy sweeper you are not only there to write passes, you are there to encourage students to move quickly through the hallways, have their ID on and visible and check dress code.


Speaking of dress code, we have a few students that are still slipping through the dress code cracks.  Please make sure you are checking students’ shorts/pants for SWEAT PANT like material.  This is UN-acceptable wear for students in 7-12 grades.  It does not matter if there is a drawstring.  If it is made of sweat pant like material, it is not allowed.


Thank you for all you do to ensure all of our scholars are TEXAN PROUD!