PBIS Updates – On the Horizon

Howdy all!

Below is a quick update of what things are on the horizon for all things PBIS. There are a number of things that were mentioned during August PD that have not yet been placed into motion or are currently hanging out in Limbo while some background processes are being sorted out. So, without further ado…

Thank You!

First off, as always, thank you – all of you! We have had an amazing start to the school year and it has been nothing short of amazing. Give yourself a pat on the back (or go polish your PBIS Awards Oscar) and treat yourself for being so amazing!


Sometime before the end of this six weeks (remember, it’s a short one!), we plan on offering an after school training on use of the PBIS Rewards app and online portal. All of the basics have been / will be sent in Google Slides but, if you like one on one learning or would like to learn some of the more intricate tricks and tools that are available, this training will be for you! Thank you for being so patient and understanding during this roll out — feel free to bug any of us with any questions at any time!

PBIS Staff Points

Yes! Points for teachers are a thing! These are just as important for our positive campus culture as students points. Currently, the only way for staff members to award points to other staff members is through the online portal (not through the app). The company that develops the app says that the ability to scan teacher IDs (just like student IDs) will be in an upcoming release. For now, please be patient — there will be another wonderful slideshow (pictures included!) with instructions for this process in the near future.

PBIS Stores

As you are aware, students are now enrolling in their apps (if you weren’t aware, please refer to these slides). This means that they will soon want to spend the points that are now burning holes in their *digital* pockets! A preliminary directive was issued to start playing around with your classroom stores. More detailed instructions (with pictures, of course) will be delivered early next week.

PBIS Subcommittees

Now that PBIS is up and running smoothly (again, thanks to y’all!), it is time to organize our various subcommittees. Please be expecting a Google Form survey that will ask you what subcommittees you are interested in joining.

PBIS Rewards App for Parents

The first wave was setting all staff members up (we are just about at 100%!). The second wave is getting students into their apps (again, please refer to these slides). Finally, the third phase will be enrolling parents into their app. The goal is to start getting parents into the app around the time our 1st report cards go out.

PBIS Rewards App on Campus Devices

This is a quick shout out and thanks to Lindsey Matthews! As you have already been told, the work order has been submitted to have the PBIS Rewards Staff and Student apps pushed out to all campus iPads. Additionally, the online portal is already integrated with ClassLink so, without any unexpected technical issues, scholars should be able to use their one ClassLink login to log in to their own online portals just as they do for all other online services. Lindsey Matthews has pushed this task to a higher priority so we are hoping this all happens sooner than later. Again, thank you for your patience up until now and we continue to appreciate it as we play this waiting game.



Until next time, remember to be like a proton and STAY POSITIVE!