Have You Tried Flipgrid?

Action Item:  During the month of September implement Flipgrid a minimum of TWO times. Allow your appraiser access to your scholars Flipgrid videos!  This is a great way to check for mastery and strengthen our scholars ability to answer questions in full sentences as well as allowing our EL scholars to work on speaking!


As many of you know, the of Flipgrid mission is to empower educators as they help learners of all ages define their voices, share their voices, and respect the diverse voices of others. Flipgrid was created for twelve students and is now used by millions of students, educators, and families in over 180 countries. 

The #FlipgridFever community grew because thousands of educators united to promote social learning, inspiring a movement. From art projects to sub plans to book talks to staff intros to number games to parent-teacher conferences to summer challenges, you revolutionize student engagement every day.


Find more out about FLIPGRID at the following links

Educator’s Guide to FLIPGRID