All Things T-TESS


After viewing the Bryan ISD’s HOW TO Guide for your SLO & Professional Goals training (released – August 15th) you must decide on two professional goals

 (click here to review Goals Processs)

 for yourself and one SLO (click here to review SLO process).  

Your two goals you set must:
 1. align with the campus goals (shown below)
 2. be measurable
 3. focus on your growth as a professional educator    
Campus Targeted Improvement Goals:
Goal 1: 60% of EL students will met the “Approaches Grade Level” standard on all STAAR Tests.
Goal 2: 40% of scholars will score at the “Meets Grade Level” standard on STAAR Reading Tests.
Campus Improvement Plan Goals:
Goal 1: To support every scholar by addressing quality first time instruction in all core academic areas (paying specific attention to the needs of at-risk students in the areas of reading and math) as measured by a 5% growth in all STAAR tested areas to be evaluated by May 2019.
Goal 2: To build the climate and culture of the campus by reducing discipline referrals and improve academicsthat each scholar reaches his or her potential as measures by a 5% reduction of discipline and improve academics for 5% growth in STAAR tested areas campus wide across all subgroups to be evaluated by May 2019.
Your appraiser will review your goals and SLO as well as make suggestions for edits as needed.  Once your goals and SLO are approved, you will select a time for us to meet and dialogue about your plans and how your appraiser can best support you this year. You will select a date and must occur during your conference period. If you would prefer a before or after school time, you will have to email your appraise3r. Again, you may NOT select a time until both goals and your SLO have been reviewed, edited (if necessary) and approved.
Goals must be submitted, reviewed and approved by September 7.  The conference can be held the following week.

Appraiser List