Making PBIS the Foundation

All scholars should have their IDs and the Rewards App live by Wednesday.  Please continue to verbally state when scholars could would be earning points throughout the class period. A few examples follow this paragraph.
  1. After all scholars have entered the room, if the whole class is actively participating in their bellringer, I verbally state (after getting their attention with Texan 5), “Great job, everyone! At this point, I would issue all of you Proud Points for being Responsible and Optimizing your time.” If not every scholar is actively engaged, I would tell only those who would be earning points.
  2. When utilizing the Texan 5 to bring class attention back to me, I have been stating, “Thank you, (insert name here), for being the first one to respond with your Texan 5. I would issue you Proud Points at this time for being Dedicated.”
  3. During journal set up, I had a few scholars who were actively helping others when they weren’t clear on instructions. I told these scholars, “Thank you for being Unified by helping your neighbors out. At this point, I would issue you Proud Points for doing so.”

Remember the Essential 8 Word of the month will also be used as a means to earn points.  This month the word is “Kind”, if you see a scholar going above and beyond to be kind to another scholar or staff member, please take a moment to award them points when the App is up and running.


Please credit this awesome idea to J Lander!!