Assessment Update

Can you believe we are in week two and already talking assessments? On Wednesday all core teachers will meet to set the stage for assessments throughout the year from DBAs to benchmarks and finally to state assessments. As is our practice we ask the question—Why?


The Why? Testing is one of the tools we can use to measure both our scholar’s knowledge and progress. It should be viewed as a tool to help us focus instruction. We must use required assessments to help support our scholars in their learning journey.


Please remember that each assessment is an opportunity to learn more about our scholars and how and what they have learned. Do they require designated supports? Have they grown intellectually and no longer need extra time or can read the test on their own?


Also, consider how we can all support our scholars in their intellectual growth. If we confer with students concerning how they can improve the next test, we empower our scholars to own their personal learning. If every student improved just one question each test Davila would enjoy huge success.  This will take focused teaching and scholar commitment to improvement.


As each team takes their first DBAs remember to schedule with Ms. McGehee and me to discuss your data. We will take this time to discuss where your scholars are and what they plan is as you reach for improvement with the next DBA.


Can you commit? Can you help our scholars improve?