Principal’s Corner

It is hard to believe that we are already in January of 2022! The first semester flew by. We have accomplished so much here at Ross in such a short time. I am very proud of the students and staff and continue to feel blessed to be a part of the Ross school family.

I really appreciate all of the parents who have worked to keep students home if they are sick but have them in school if they are not. It has been a little bit tricky with COVID but I feel working together we have created a safe environment for our students. Let’s continue to communicate and check children for symptoms each day before sending them to school all the while ensuring they are in school if they are well. As you know attendance is a critical factor to ensuring student academic growth.

In February we will participate in Texas Reads One Book. The book that we will be reading isĀ Dog Days by Karen English. Every student and staff member will receive a book. As a campus, we will read at the same pace, enjoy activities, question of the day, and draw for prizes to get students excited about reading this book. Not only does it promote reading, but it also promotes community as we are all enjoying the same book together.

Valentines for Vets will be held on February 10th at 6:00pm in the Ross cafeteria. We are so excited to be able to share this amazing kindergarten performance that is an annual tradition at Ross where we honor our local veterans.

We will bring back RFL football for 1st-4th grade students. Mr. Taylor and Coach Pote will work together to coach students. I have heard the students really gained so much from this experience last year. I am excited that we get to continue with this activity and build a new tradition.

Recently, one of our very own Ross families lost their house and a loved one in fire. It was so heartwarming to see how the Ross community rallied around this family. Lots of items were donated and many students participated in our dress up day fundraiser activity. We raised over $1,000 for the family. I know many of you donated directly to the GoFundMe account as well. This was a great way for us all to model the Essential 8 characteristic of Philanthropy.

The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.– Mahatma Gandhi

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